Boat Plans Aluminium Australia
In yet another installment of "I try to re-design the rudder stock" I have received yet another set of plans from a Goat Island Skiff builder in New York. He has graciously supplied me with these two schematics of his own design, as a solution to removing the tiller from the rudder assembly without having to take the rudder off the transom. It is self-explanatory:
I really like this design, it is better than mine for two reasons: 1. It maintains Mr. Storers rudder stock design and hopefully solves the structural issue that he was concerned about, 2. There is less time fiddling over the transom pulling very critical pins over water of yet-to-be-determined depth, if you get my drift. I can remove the tiller from the safety of the cabin. Unfortunately, I will still have a stub of tiller sticking into my domain, but I think, for now, this is the idea Im going to go with. The great thing about the rudder stock is that it is simple and easy to construct, I can always make another.
In other news, the mast was glued in its first step today. In the previous post, I shaped the narrow staves. This was a workout, but I worked carefully, and Im happy with the result. Then, off to make the spacers for the ladder frame. I used a piece of fir that was lounging around the garage, some stud material. I used some good parts, and cut them to fit. The base plug meant a trip to Lowes. This is the first wood part of the boat that was not bought at either of my two local lumber stores. Sorry guys. Anyway, an 8 piece of 4x4 cedar. I thought about using fir, for a few bucks less, but I went with the rot-resistant cedar. Its an important piece, its light, and it should be good. The other spacers Ill goo up with epoxy and make them plastic.
Well, that was interesting how the photos lined up, but I like it! Notice the base plug. After a quick mock-up my lovely wife and I took one of the uncut stave stock pieces and brought it into the basement, where I can get an even floor workspace and a slightly higher temperature, better for quicker gluing. We made sure that we could get the wood in and out of the basement two different ways, so I dont build the mast and then get it out. I am positive I can get the mast out of the basement.
Layed out ready for the dry fit:
Sweet, I did it again, but I dont know how. The mast is quite straight, but I decided to use one of the wide uncut staves as a backbone for gluing, that way I could ensure that the mast is straight with no wobbles. It also gives me a good even workspace for gluing too. I covered one stave with packing tape, and glued away: Notice too, the hardwood runners that will be glued to the bottom of the hull, they are long ones and needed to be scarfed.
It went well. The bricks are slightly nudging the mast into a straight position. Youll also notice that you dont see much of the wide stave underneath this glue-up, thats because the tolerances are super tight. I overcut my narrow staves by 1mm and it pretty much ate up all the space on the wide stave. I briefly considered re-planing the staves, re-working the spacers, and then gluing, but my lovely wife stopped me with some business graduate degree mumbo-jumbo stuff and talked me out of it. I might have to plane a little extra off the base to get it to fit in the mast step, and I can (with difficulty) enlarge the mast step as well if need be.
Tomorrow, gluing the wide staves and completing the box.

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